Yooka-Laylee Wiki
IneptHead "Erm, Bzzz... Bug detected. Please tell devs they messed up."
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Dr, Quack Head talking "Bah! You've been reading Yookapedia, haven't you?"
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This article contains plot spoilers for Yooka-Laylee and/or Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair.

Capital B's Office an area within Hivory Towers where the main antagonist Capital B resides. This area is seen during a few of the games' cutscenes, however at the end of the game, the player confronts Capital B and his right hand man Dr. Quack in that very office.


Capital B's Office is spacious. It has big glass windows towards the north side of the room, and regular wall along the south side. The office has a red carpet with a multicoloured design. In the center of the carpet is a large stone engraving in the shape of a honeycomb. The carpet has Victorian era designs.

Points of Interest


  • It's interior design is similar to that of Stationary cupboard


Locations in Hivory Towers
Hivory Towers EntranceTribalstack Tome RoomPublication StationRextro's ArcadeGlitterglaze Tome RoomArchiveWaterworksOutside the FacilityCashino Tome RoomNovelizer 64Novel HovelOffice BuildingDr. Quack's Quack-Fire QuizCapital B's OfficeStationary Cupboard